10 Awesome Ways to Convince Your Parents into Letting You Have A Flight Sim


1. Do your homework

Prepare yourself for what they might say, and any concerns they might have. Have a list of the things a flight simulator would bring and how it would benefit you.

2. Make a Win-Win situation

Your parents won’t be too excited to have something new to worry about. Make sure the simulator is a benefit to them somehow- whether that be weeding the garden, or getting to fly it 🙂

3. See their perspective

Your parents have a reason to say no – it’s likely their house, their rules. Make a list of reasons your parents would say no, and try to fix them.

4. Be honest and keep them updated

Being honest upfront and share your vision openly with your parents.

5. Explain it how they would understand it

Don’t use jargon like “MIP”, “EASA”, “FSTD”, “FAA”, and “I have information whiskey”, those can confuse your parents unless they are pilots themselves. Explain your vision to your parents, and what you will use your flight simulator for.

6. Show how it will make you a better person

Share all of the skills you will learn:

  • Budgeting and Finance
  • Soldering
  • Woodworking
  • Engineering
  • Problem Solving
  • Electronic Knowledge
  • 3D Printing

There are many skills in flight simulation that ultimately help you become a better person.

7. Start Small

Sander Slette started quite small compared to his current simulator, with just a simple Main Instrument Panel (MIP), then gradually grew it out into the front left portion of a 737 flight simulator. This is one approach that would work well if you know your parents wouldn’t immediately say yes to a big flight sim.

8. Don’t hide potential problems

Try not to strategically leave out key details- leaving out key details can increase tension later.

9. Convince your parents with action

Show your parents this is something you actually want and not just an impulse decision. Make physical plans and goals for your sim. Show serious engagement with the simulator community, watching videos and learning as much as you can on the ground.

10. [DANGEROUS] Don’t ask for permission 🤔

This is kinda what I did. It worked for me but probably won’t work for everyone. I’ve made many projects before the flight sim so this was expected to be more or less of a “2-week project”. My parents really nurtured my simulator when it was in its young phase and helped grow it into what it is now.

I would like to restate. This may not work for everyone.

Reasons for them to say no, and “fighting points”

  • Too much space
    • Clean and declutter area (make room)
    • It won’t be where anyone will see it (keep it in the dungeon)
    • It won’t be that big (starting small)
  • Too much money
    • It will be over the course of a few years (the stretched dollar)
    • You won’t be paying for it (the “not ‘ya pocket book mentality)
    • It will be much cheaper than aviation, or buying one (compare it to crazy)
  • Too much time
    • I will be learning (time not wasted)
    • I will learn to balance my time (learn time management)
    • I’m following a set of plans (not too much time)
  • Eye sore for the house
    • It won’t be seen (shove under rug)
    • It can be moved (hide in closet)
  • Obsessed with project
    • I’ll learn work-life balance (maybe a lie?)