Custom Orders: Terms and Conditions
Note – these are for “Open Source” projects at the lower than “Proprietary” rate. Please contact me for work that must remain proprietary. Work done for the “Open Source” rate is at a lower cost to promote sharing simulator ideas freely with the public.
Here are the terms and conditions for custom orders! Design works best when we’re both on the same page, so make sure to read through these and contact me about any adjustments we need for your circumstances. We can accommodate changes on a project-by-project basis.
My Side:
- I will only take projects on that I am confident I can provide a good result.
- (Unless explicitly negotiated) I own the commercial rights to the intellectual property for your order. This makes design time cheaper and faster for everyone.
- This builds up a library of parts ready to modify – If I already made a part for someone else’s project I can reuse it and adapt it to your needs.
- If I already have something designed I don’t have to re-design it “just for you”
- Let it be known as soon as possible if you want commercial rights to the file
- Your project file may be made available for free or as payware to the general public in an effort to make flight simulation more accessible
- I can cancel anytime, issuing a full or pro rata refund to you (the buyer).
- I can document the process publicly – while you (the buyer) remain confidential
- I can share project files online – free or paid
- Documentation may be through YouTube or the website
- The project may be filmed
- I can requote the product should anything significant change (from there we can decide whether or not to cancel this item)
Your Side:
- You can cancel at any time. Your deposit can be refunded excluding any purchased components or hours of labor performed
- You should share any neccesary design constraints to make sure everything works with your system
- You can make as many revisions as you want if design/manufacturing labor is quoted hourly. Keep in mind however that this increases cost drastically as it can mean completely refabricating/designing a part.
- Should the revisions significantly alter the price, a requote may be needed so we can both be on the same page
- You can always contact me about any concerns or ideas